个人信息Personal Information
- 韩立权,樊迪,刘金原,杜炜.Federated Learning Differential Privacy Preservation Method Based on Differentiated Noise Addition.2023 the 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA),2023:2
- 韩立权,刘金原,樊迪,杜炜.Improved Frequency Estimation Algorithm Based on Local Differential Privacy.2022 the 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC),2022(2022):2
- 韩立权,谢雨珊.【会议EI】Improved differential privacy K-means clustering algorithm for privacy budget allocation.ICCEAI 2022,2022:2
- 韩立权,张越.【会议EI】PCA-Based DDoS Attack Detection of SDN Environments.BDCPS 2020,2020:2
- 韩立权,[博会议EI]Conceptual Analysis of Military Knowledge Based on Service-ontology.MEC 2011,2011,B(5):1
- 韩立权,Tactic of Military Knowledge Interconnection Based on Semantic.Journal of Software,2013,8(4):1
- 韩立权,【CPCI-S】Research on the acquisition algorithm of ontology meta-model in medical domain knowledge.CMEE2016,2016:2
- 韩立权,【CPCI-S】Research of Semantic Similarity Algorithm Base on the Knowledge of Medical Domain.CNCT2016,2016:2
- 韩立权,【CPCI-S】Object Model of Quality of Medical Instrument Traceability System Based on Finite State Machine.MSOTA2016,2016:2
- 韩立权,【CPCI-S】Item-Based Clustering CF Recommend Algorithm in MapReduce Framework.ICACIE 2016,2016:2
- 韩立权,Research on Organizational Structure of Medical Knowledge Service Ontology Meta-model.MCSSE2016,2016:2
- 韩立权,【CPCI-S】AES Algorithm Applied on Security Protocol of RFID.CIB 2015,2015:2
- 韩立权,A Strong-Security Protocol Based on AES Algorithm for Passive RFID Tags.CIIA2014,2014:2
- 韩立权,刘淑芬,王钲璇,韩立权.Conceptual Analysis of Military Knowledge Based on Service-ontology.IEEE MEC2011,2011:2
- 韩立权,【核心】无线网络攻击中保护用户敏感隐私信息仿真.计算机仿真,2017,第34卷(第3期):2